Oct 28, 2009

Something New

I have been working up some new stuff and i liked the idea but as i keep going through things i realize that mabye line drawings arent the best way to show how i work. I feel like i have lost touch with how i use to create work and not so much for the better or worse really but i think i want to try and find a happy medium.

I have come across some problems lately in my work, lack of ambition. its been a real problem, i mean if i find somthing that i love drawing i draw but i have been trying to branch out lately and i expected good things but there is a mix of good and bad i think.

my new series i have started i wanted to base them off of christian demonology. i wanted to give my own take on how the demons of the underworld really are, i have been creating them in a cartoonish way i think and i wanted to go back and give it a try with a more serious take, possibly using ink instead. mabye some of those watercolored pencils would get me the look i want. well in any case my newest finished work is called Psychic Delivers and i hope its liked.

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