Oct 14, 2009

Senior Year for me here, and the stress is building. I need pieces for all my classes and i feel like i don't have enough time in the day for it all. I work all night some evenings on getting ideas, researching them and drawing up the beginnings of what my plan is.

What is even worse is that i am still taking general education classes, 2 my last two, thankfully! U.S Politics, and World Regional Geography. I'm excited to be done with them both, i feel like im wasting my time in these classes and could be using my time more wisely with working on art, which lets face it i try to do in those classes anyways.

My Multimedia classes are going ok, i don't really feel like i have learned anything really, in web design we are half way through the semester and i have yet to create any website. The teacher seems to drag his feet when it comes to actually teaching something. In Multimedia Authoring, i learned how to use Adobe Pro at least, and can cut video, add sound and flash! its exciting to learn new things really and i'm glad that im learning something in that class.

In Senior Art Seminar i feel like a 2 wheel drive car stuck in a pretty bad snowstorm. I'm spinning my tires and feel like im going nowhere. which cant be true i've busted my butt in that class....well i plan to anyways....

I know that i have things to get done that is why i welcome my 2 day break from school(fall break) where i will lock myself in my house and crank out work and assignments like a madwoman. Which is hard for me only because im easilly distracted by anything and everything if it means im not working.

But I am working! i have PROOF!

I have always been interested in bright colors and lines that distract the eye for a while making them move this way and that around the piece than, once your eye becomes familiar with the lines you are provoked to look towards the image actually in the piece.

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