Nov 20, 2009

I think its finished!!!

So here is the deal, finishing Abyzou felt like an awesome feat to me. BUT im not sure if im ready to be done with it or not so I will probably just put it away for a while and pick it back up later to see what i can do to improve it some more.

I started the second part of the Abyzou part, the women she was before or well durring her tragedy, im trying to encorporate who she becomes to sort of unify the pieces together but I have not quite figured out how im going to achieve that. so this weekend thats what i will be working on ;). Overall i think she will be good i dont quite feel like it goes with the dark feel yet but im working on it.

My Devils deeds guy is still at a stand still, and the ideas keep coming of new things i want to do, which means i have lots to do and not alot of time to do it in, I would say that i have at least 3 more works that i need to get the figures straight on and than scan in to bring to the next step. EXCITING i dont think i have had this many ideas at one time before...i think its because im sort of on track with things right now. So for right now im doing good. and workin hard ;) next week is thanksgiving... HURRAY for food that makes me happy :)

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